Meditation, Stress & Mood

Meditation Improves Mood & Decreases Stress According to Study

Preliminary evidence suggests that even brief instruction in a simple meditation technique can improve negative mood and perceived stress in healthy adults, which can yield long-term health benefits. The frequency of practice does affect outcome, meaning the longer you can practice and the more consistently, the better the results.

In this study 200 healthy adults participated, 76 per cent of them female. They learnt a simple meditation technique in four, one-hour small group meetings, with instructions to practice for 15-20 minutes twice daily. They were measured in four different ways and had follow-ups one month later. All outcome measures improved significantly after instruction.

Source: Altern Ther Health Med. 2007 Jan-Feb;13(1):38-44. Brief meditation training can improve perceived stress and negative mood. Lane JD, Seskevich JE, Pieper CF. Department of Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC, USA.

Where to now?

Whilst meditation can be incredibly useful to learn, acupuncture is super helpful to relieve nervous tension and get you back in your body. As they say, the body keeps the score and acupuncture can help to release what you are holding onto. Find out more about acupuncture and how we can help you at Red Tent.