Immune health, Anxiety, Depression and Stress how they’re linked together

By Anna-Maria Herbalist & Nutritionist

It’s no news that many of us struggle with colds and flu’s this time of year. I see time and time again how winter time equals carbohydrate loadings and a reduction in mental and physical wellbeing. It’s not surprising as we tend to retrieve indoor and fill up on comfort foods. But let’s revisit comfort foods…

Instead of pasta, risotto, breads and yummy cakes let’s indulge in warming & nurturing foods that will cover both your emotional and mental well being and your nutrition. Foods to include are daily intakes of chicken and bone broth, slow cooked meals and stews, fermented foods, and please don’t skimp on the fats! Consider fats (such as the skin on your roast chicken, the fat on your lamb shank, the gelatinous gelly substance in your broth).  The real importance is not only to up our nutrients for our immune system but actually also for our emotional health – the two work closely together and so does their nutrient requirements actually.

Let’s look at this a bit more closely: 

Vitamin C (an all time favorite) not only the classic immune nutrient but also improves adrenal strength and stamina and supply cortisone (stress hormone) and epinephrine (adrenalin) and a strong antioxidant. Where to find this in food?: red peppers, citrus, cabbage, broccoli, strawberries, blackberries & Kiwi fruit…

Vitamin A Improves mucus membrane health – so ideal for those runny & stuffy noses  Where to find this in food?: Egg, Beef, yellow & orange vegetables…

B vitamins There are a few, but all of them work in synergy. Together they support detoxification, mental function, circulation, adrenal function, nerve support & and is  anti depressive (w. folic acid). Where to find this in food?: Yogurt, dates, liver, brown rice, rye, oatmeal, quinoa, buckwheat…

Magnesium Well known mineral for nervous system health – great to aid relaxation (and constipation actually) Where to find this in food?: dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruit, figs, carrots, seeds and nuts…

Zinc (another all time favorite) a classic immune supporter and fertility nutrient but what you might not know is that zinc is import for stress and depression management and is used to help prevent PND (post natal depression – click to see Pubmed study)

Chromium you might not have expected on this list, but chromium is very helpful piece to the puzzle as it helps manage our blood sugar levels so both supporting the influx of seasonal carbohydrate load and in turn also help balance the up’s and down’s of mood swings. Where to find this in food?: Brewers yeast about 2tsp daily – great for diabetics too.

As a passionate herbalist I prescribe and highly recommend herbal tonics to support us through this season. It’s a fenomenal way to prevent colds and flu’s as well as aid a faster recovery and can at the same time boost immune and adrenal health. So don’t settle for recurrent colds, lethargy, anxiety and sugar cravings – all can be managed and supported in simple ways both at home in your kitchen and support with nutrition and herbal medicine.

If you are feeling affected emotionally lately why not take the online stress test here and bring it in for a 1-to-1 consult with Anna-Maria to help you feel better? Just call o410 797 639 or email