Online complimentary course
We have been teaching acupressure to couples since 2005 and to midwives since 2010. Our courses have been accredited with the American College of Nurse Midwives and the Australain College of Midwives.
We are super excited to give you access to it on our homepage. It’s towards the bottom! Spread the word … and kindly drop us a review once you’ve used the techniques.
Live course
“Join me on March 30, 2024 in Bondi Beach for a short course on acupressure for birth. I’ve been in practice as an acupuncturist since 2005 and have been teaching courses to couples since then. I’ve taught this course to midwives at the Royal Hospital for Women as well as to midwives online around the world. I’ve helped thousands of women to prepare for birth using acupuncture and I’m confident you’ll be so glad you have these points in your back pocket when it comes to your big day.” Rebecca Mar Young
What you will learn:
> Points to reduce pain during labour
> Points to get the bub into the best position for labour
> Points to calm your nervous system
> Points that can help you now to reduce all sorts of pregnancy ailments
> Points to manage a medical induction as well as points to prepare for birth
> And points to help with breastfeeding!
This course is for you if:
> You’re a first time mum and you’ve already done another birth course – knowing these points well is like magic
> It’s not your first baby and you want to brush up on some skills for the big day
> You’re going for a VBAC and you want to help your body and mind as much as poss
What you will receive on the day:
> A booklet that covers everything, so you can make notes if you wish and you don’t have to remember it all
> A cheat sheet for the big day to make it so super easy to use the points
There is so much to learn and it’s fun. So bring your partner or your sister or your doula or BOTH. Make sure you come with someone who can practice the points on you.
What, when and where:
Saturday March 30, 2024 – SOLD OUT
Dharma Shala Yoga Centre Bondi Beach
If you have any questions, please direct them to: Rebecca(at)
Research on acupressure
Aksoy SD, Odabas RK, Gul DK. (2023). Acupressure application to relieve postpartum uterus pain during breastfeeding: A randomized controlled study. Explore (NY). 2023 Sep-Oct;19(5):710-717.
Hua-Ting Chen, Tai-Zhen Luo, Zi-Yan Jiang, Si-Di Dai, Hua-An Xia, Shuai Yang, Shi-Ying Huang, Li-Ping Chen, (2023). Noninvasive external therapy of traditional Chinese medicine for preventing postpartum urinary retention in women with vaginal delivery: A network meta-analysis. Meta-Analysis Medicine (Baltimore). 2023 Oct 13;102(41):e35399
Odabas RK, Sökmen Y, Taspinar A. (2023). The effect of acupressure on postpartum fatigue in women delivering by caesarean section: A randomized controlled study. Explore (NY). 2023 May-Jun;19(3):293-299.
Kırca AŞ, Gül DK. (2023). Effect of Acupressure Applied After Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia Postpone the Duration of Taking Analgesics and on The Gastrointestinal System: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Explore (NY). 2023 Jan-Feb;19(1):58-64
Miguel Ángel Carmona-Rodríguez, Salvador Martínez-Flores, Rubén Morilla-Romero-de-la-Osa, Manuel Luque-Oliveros (2023). Effects of Acupressure on Maternal and Neonatal Obstetric Outcomes during Labor: Study Protocol. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Jul 24;11(14):2111
Ayça Şolt Kırca, Derya Kanza Gül,(2023). Effect of Acupressure Applied After Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia Postpone the Duration of Taking Analgesics and on The Gastrointestinal System: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Randomized Controlled Trial Explore (NY), 2023 Jan-Feb;19(1):58-64
Resmiye Kaya Odabas, Yasemin Sökmen, Ayten Taspinar (2023). The effect of acupressure on postpartum fatigue in women delivering by caesarean section: A randomized controlled study. Randomized Controlled Trial Explore (NY) 2023 May-Jun;19(3):293-299
Solt Kirca A, Kanza Gul D.(2022). Effects of acupressure and shower applied in the delivery on the intensity of labor pain and postpartum comfort. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Biology. 2022 Jun;273:98-104.
Firoozeh Mirzaee, Fatemeh Esmaeilinejad Hasaroeih, Moghaddameh Mirzaee, Masumeh Ghazanfarpour, (2021). Comparing the effect of acupressure with or without ice in LI-4 point on labour pain and anxiety levels during labour: a randomised controlled trial. Journal Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2021 Apr;41(3):395-400
Kristin L Atkins, Sarah Fogarty, Melissa L Feigel (2021). Acupressure and Acupuncture Use in the Peripartum Period. Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2021 Sep 1;64(3):558-571
Hamideh Torkiyan, Sedigheh Sedigh Mobarakabadi, Reza Heshmat, Alireza Khajavi, Giti Ozgoli. (2021). The effect of GB21 acupressure on pain intensity in the first stage of labor in primiparous women: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Therapies Med. 2021 May:58:102683
Ayça Şolt Kirca, Derya Kanza Gül, (2021). Effects of self-acupressure on pregnancy-related constipation: A single-blind randomized controlled study. Explore (NY). 2021 Sep-Oct;17(5):463-468
Fatemeh Tara, Hamidreza Bahrami-Taghanaki, Masoud Amini Ghalandarabad, Ziba Zand-Kargar, Hamideh Azizi, Habibollah Esmaily, Hoda Azizi, (2020). The Effect of Acupressure on the Severity of Nausea, Vomiting, and Retching in Pregnant Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Complementary Medicine Research. 2020;27(4):252-259
Haj Najafi Raana, Xiao-Nong Fan, (2020). The effect of acupressure on pain reduction during first stage of labour: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Complementary Therapy Clinical Practice. 2020 May:39:101126
Ayça Solt Kirca, Derya Kanza Gul (2020). Effects of Acupressure Applied to P6 Point on Nausea Vomiting in Pregnancy: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled. Altern Ther Health Med. 2020 Nov;26(6):12-17
Derya Kanza Gul, Ayça Solt Kirca (2020). Effects of Acupressure on Preoperative Acute Anxiety in Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Study. Holistic Nursing Practise. 2020 Nov/Dec;34(6):356-364
A U Lokugamage, V A I Eftime, D Porter, T Ahillan, S X Ke (2020). Birth preparation acupuncture for normalising birth: An analysis of NHS service routine data and proof of concept. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2020 Nov;40(8):1096-1101.
Leila Karimi, Mitra Mahdavian, Somayeh Makvandi (2020). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Acupressure on Relieving the Labor Pain. A Review. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2020 Nov 7;25(6):455-462
Caroline A Smith, Carmel T Collins, Kate M Levett, Mike Armour, Hannah G Dahlen, Aidan L Tan, Bita Mesgarpour. (2020). Acupuncture or acupressure for pain management during labour. Meta-Analysis Cochrane Database System Review. 2020 Feb 7;2(2):CD009232
Kanza Gul D, Solt Kirca A. (2020). Effects of Acupressure on Preoperative Acute Anxiety in Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Study. Holistic Nurse Practice. 2020 Nov/Dec;34(6):356-364
Caroline A Smith, Mike Armour, Hannah G Dahlen, (2017). Acupuncture or acupressure for induction of labour. Review Cochrane Database System Review. 2017 Oct 17;10(10):CD002962
Yasemin Hamlacı 1, Saadet Yazici, The Effect of Acupressure Applied to Point LI4 on Perceived Labor Pains. Holistic Nurse Practice. 2017 May/Jun;31(3):167-176.
Judith M Schlaeger, Elizabeth M Gabzdyl, Jeanie L Bussell, Nobuari Takakura, Hiroyoshi Yajima, Miho Takayama, Diana J Wilkie (2017). A Review. Acupuncture and Acupressure in Labor. Journal of Midwifery: Womens Health. 2017 Jan;62(1):12-28.
Giti Ozgoli, Sedigheh Sedigh Mobarakabadi, Reza Heshmat, Hamid Alavi Majd, Zohreh Sheikhan, (2016). Effect of LI4 and BL32 acupressure on labor pain and delivery outcome in the first stage of labor in primiparous women: A randomized controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2016 Dec:29:175-180
Levett et al., (2014). Acupuncture and acupressure for pain management in labour and birth: A critical narrative review of current systematic review evidence. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Volume 22, Issue 3, June 2014, Pages 523-540
Linda Vixner, Lena B. Mårtensson and Erica Schytt. Acupuncture with manual and electrical stimulation for labour pain: a two month follow up of recollection of pain and birth experience. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2015) 15:180. DOI 10.1186/s12906-015-07082.
Lyndall J. Mollart, Jon Adam, Maralyn Foureur. Impact of acupressure on onset of labour and labour duration: A systematic review. Women and Birth. Sep 2015, Vol. 28: 199-206.
Akbarzadeh M, Ghaemmaghami M, Yazdanpanahi Z, Zare N, Azizi A & Mohagheghzadeh A, The Effect of Dry Cupping Therapy at Acupoint BL23 on the Intensity of Postpartum Low Back Pain in Primiparous Women Based on Two Types of Questionnaires, 2012; A Randomized Clinical Trial, International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery, vol. 2(2), 2014.
Baccetti S, Da Frè M, Becorpi A, Faedda M, Guerrera A, Monechi MV, Munizzi RM & Parazzini F, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for Hot Flushes in Menopause: A Randomized Trial, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 20(7), Jul 2014, pp. 550–557.
Çalık KY, Kömürcü N, The opinions of pregnant women about labor and acupressure application who received acupressure on their SP6 points, MÜSBED, vol. 4(1), 2014, pp. 29-37. Turkish.
Chen LL, Huang LC, Su YC, Lin HC, Su BH, Effects of combined acupressure and meridian massage on increasing body weight in low birth weight premature infants, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, vol.15(4), May 2014, p.34.
Chen Y, Zhang X, Fang Y & Yang J, Analyzing the Study of Using Acupuncture in Delivery in the Past Ten Years in China, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2014, 2014, Article ID 672508, 8 pages.
Chen YW & Wang HH, The Effectiveness of Acupressure on Relieving Pain: A Systematic Review, Pain Management Nursing, vol. 15(2), Jun 2014, pp. 539–550.
Cochrane S, Smith CA, Possamai-Inesedy A & Bensoussan A, Acupuncture and women’s health: an overview of the role of acupuncture and its clinical management in women’s reproductive health, International Journal of Women’s Health, vol.6, 2014, pp. 313–325.
Hopton A, Macpherson H, Keding A & Morley S, Acupuncture, counselling or usual care for depression and comorbid pain: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial, BMJ Open, vol. 4(5), May 2014.
K.M. Levett, C.A. Smith, H.G. Dahlen, A. Bensoussan. Acupuncture and acupressure for pain management in labour and birth: A critical narrative review of current systematic review evidence. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Jun 2014, Vol. 22: 523-540.
Liu CT & Ko YL, Auricular Point Acupressure to Improve Sleep Quality in Taiwanese Postpartum Women with Insomnia, Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, vol. 43(1), Jun 2014, p.58.
Reilly PM, Buchanan T, Vafides C, Lic A, Breakey S & Dykes P, Auricular Acupuncture to Relieve Health Care Workers’ Stress and Anxiety: Impact on Caring, Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, vol. 33(3) May/Jun 2014, pp. 151–159.
Salime Mucuk, Muruvvet Baser. Effects of noninvasive electroacupuncture on labour pain and duration. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Jun 2014, Vol. 23, No. 10.1111/jocn.2014.23.issue-11pt12: 1603-1610.
Sihan W, Yu W, Lan S, Zhuo G, Xinjing Y, Tu Y, & Chuntao Z, The Study on Alleviating Side Effects of Medicine and Improving Quality of Life in Treatment of Mild or Moderate Depression by Combining Acupuncture and Paroxetine, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 20(5), May 2014, pp. A46-A47.
Smith CA & Betts D, The practice of acupuncture and moxibustion to promote cephalic version for women with a breech presentation: Implications for clinical practice and research, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, vol. 22(1), Feb 2014, pp. 75–80.
Steel A, Adams J, Sibbritt D, Broom A, Frawley J, Gallois C. The influence of complementary and alternative medicine use in pregnancy on labor pain management choices: results from a nationally representative sample of 1,835 women. J Altern Complement Med 2014;20(February (2)):87—97.
Thompson R, Miller Y. Birth control: to what extent do women report being informed and involved in decisions about pregnancy and birth procedures? BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2014;14(1):62.
White ND, Lifestyle and Complementary Medicine for Common Gastrointestinal Disorders in Pregnancy, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, vol. 8 (2), March/April 2014, pp. 97–99.
Ya-Wen Chen, Hsiu-Hung Wang. The Effectiveness of Acupressure on Relieving Pain: A Systematic Review. Pain Management Nursing. Jun 2014, Vol. 15: 539-550.
Yeh CH, Chien LC, Huang LC & Suen LKP, Auricular Point Acupressure for Chronic Pain: A Feasibility Study of a 4-Week Treatment Protocol, Holistic Nursing Practice, vol. 28(3), May/Jun 2014, pp. 184–194.