Fennel for Freedom in your Tum

Fennel seeds. I love these. They’re incredible for clearing pains in your lower abdomen. They’re warming and calming and taste great when steeped in boiling water for a few minutes. Not only do they help adults but they also help kids and babies too. Warm fennel water is the best.

I find the raw fennel bulb great in soups as well as salads. I love it when it’s sliced very thinly, however in soup, I often throw in a whole or half a bulb with a bunch of seeds.

Fennel is:

Fibre rich – which is great for your microbiome.

Anti-inflammatory – good to calm your system but they’re actually not “cooling”, which is fascinating, they’re “warming”!

Anti-mibrobial – meaning their antifungal and antibacterial – no wonder they make your digestive system hum. 

A galactagogue – which means they help to improve making breast milk in postnatal women. This is due to the presence of phytoestrogens which help increase breast tissue.

The following minerals are present in fennel: calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C.

Fennel is all round awesome and one of my most favourite herbs for use medicinally as well as for its delicious refreshing flavour. Read more about this amazing medicinal food here.

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