new born baby asleep on soft blanket


We support you and your partner on your journey to creating a family, whether it’s natural or IVF assisted conception.

We have over 18 years experience helping couples achieve optimal levels of health and wellness. Every journey is unique, as is every fertility acupuncture session.

Preconception preparation

This involves improving the health of prospective mum and dad and to help their body produce the best quality eggs and sperm possible. We feel that it can make a profound difference to your experience as a parent to reach your optimal health for at least four months before conception, no matter whether you are conceiving naturally or with the assistance of IVF treatment.

It takes up to 3 months for sperm to develop. Whilst it is the case for women that egg quality is mostly determined by factors established before their own birth, we also know that it takes about 3 to 4 months for an egg to fully develop before it’s released. With fertility acupuncture, lifestyle and herb/supplement advice, we help you achieve an optimal environment, to best support your reproductive health.

Your body is like a garden of possibility and just as you prepare the earth before planting seeds, you must prepare your body, mind and shen (spirit) before conception. This will help nurture healthy eggs and sperm, a calmer mind, regular menstrual cycle and a healthy body – all important elements for conception.

Entering pregnancy in better health is more likely to result in a less problematic pregnancy, birth and a healthier baby & mum.

How do you achieve optimal reproductive wellness?

A combination of treatments that may include fertility acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, lifestyle advice particular to your Chinese diagnosed pattern, food that will work better for your body and mind, mental practices that may be useful. We are holistic in our assessment and take everything about you, your life and history into account.

Our practitioners keep up with the latest evidence and research, and continue to sharpen their East Asian medicine skills. We support your choices and journey to create a family and become part of your team.

I haven’t done any preparation, what do you suggest?

Contact us as each situation is different and we can advise you on how best to move forward. We often support women coming from other states for their IVF cycles. There are many options.

Where to from here?

Or learn about therapies offered at the Red Tent, read up on your therapist, or get in touch with us.

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