Midwife Uses Acupressure for Labour Pain Relief and to Reduce Anxiety

Elide is a midwife who completed our home study acupressure program, Ancient Secrets for Better Bumps, Births and Babies. 

The following is one of her case studies where she demonstrates the true effectiveness of acupressure for labour pain relief and to reduce anxiety during birth.

acupressure for labour pain relief and to reduce anxiety KD-1
KD-1 acupressure point

I used [acupressure point] KD-1 in a high-risk setting where a woman was 34 weeks pregnant, 8cm dilated, transitional, and the fetal heart rate was non-reassuring with decelerations. The woman was scared and panicked and her partner was also worried. I used KD-1 with her permission and asked her if it was helping. She nodded vigorously while using nitrous gas. I noticed that her body relaxed and she started to calm down. I felt it helped ground her, calm her breathing and maintain her focus.

She gave birth and both her and the baby were well. The obstetrician along with the woman approached me a few hours later wanting to know what I had done to her feet. She couldn’t stop talking about what I did to her feet and how the pressure was so calming. She stated that it provided her better pain relief than the gas alone.


Find out more about using acupressure for labour pain relief and to reduce anxiety in our home study acupressure program for midwives.